Minggu, 21 April 2013


1. Buatlah diagram batang dan lingkaran dengan data jumlah penduduk tahun 2011 seluruh  kabupaten kota yang ada di Kalimantan Barat dari tugas yang telah bapak berikan !

CATATAN: Pekerjaan dikumpulkan pada waktu kuliah minggu berikutnya. Pengumpulan di luar jadwal tersebut tidak akan dikoreksi !


1. Keunggulan Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG) adalah pada fungsi analisis dan aplikasinya.
    Jelaskan ke dua keunggulan itu !

Catatan: Pekerjaan dikumpulkan di waktu kuliah minggu berikutnya. Pengumpulan pekerjaan di luar jadwal tersebut tidak akan "dikoreksi"


1. Kartografi adalah seni, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi tentang pembuatan peta-peta sekligus   
    mencakup studinya sebagai dokumen-dokumen ilmiah dan karya seni. Jelaskan pengertian tersebut
    berdasarkan pemahaman saudara !
2. Apa yang saudara ketahui tentang "mental map" ?
3. Salah satu fungsi peta adalah untuk menjelaskan rencana penelitian sekaligus melaporkan hasil
    penelitian. Jelaskan maksud dari pernyataan tersebut !

Hasil pekerjaan di kumpulkan  minggu berikutnya pada saat kuliah sesuai dengan jadwal kelas masing-masing. Jika pengumpulan lebih dari jadwal tersebut pekerjaan tidak akan "dikoreksi"

Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012



1. Apa yang saudara ketahui tentang ilmu tanah dan geografi tanah ?
2. Tekstur apa yang baik untuk pertanian. Berikan penjelasan jawaban saudara ?
3. Apa yang saudara ketahui tentang profil tanah, horison tanah, lapisan tanah, solum tanah dan kedalaman
    efektif tanah ?

NB: jawablah pertanyaan tersebut secara singkat dan jelas kirim ke email saya: ajunpurwanto@gmail.com
       Jawaban selambat-lambatnya hari kamis tanggal 31 Mei 2012.
       Tulis nama lengkap dan NIM

Senin, 02 April 2012

Volcanoes Deliver Two Flavors of Water

Washington, D.C.— Seawater circulation pumps hydrogen and boron into the oceanic plates that make up the seafloor, and some of this seawater remains trapped as the plates descend into the mantle at areas called subduction zones. By analyzing samples of submarine volcanic glass near one of these areas, scientists found unexpected changes in isotopes of hydrogen and boron from the deep mantle. They expected to see the isotope “fingerprint” of seawater. But in volcanoes from the Manus Basin they also discovered evidence of seawater distilled long ago from a more ancient plate descent event, preserved for as long as 1 billion years. The data indicate that these ancient oceanic “slabs” can return to the upper mantle in some areas, and that rates of hydrogen exchange in the deep Earth may not conform to experiments. The research is published in the February 26, 2012, advanced on line publication of Nature Geoscience.
As Carnegie coauthor Erik Hauri explained, “Hydrogen and boron have both light and heavy isotopes. Isotopes are atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons. The volcanoes in the Manus Basin are delivering a mixture of heavy and light isotopes that have been observed nowhere else. The mantle under the Manus Basin appears to contain a highly distilled ancient water that is mixing with modern seawater.”
When seawater-soaked oceanic plates descend into the mantle, heavy isotopes of hydrogen and boron are preferentially distilled away from the slab, leaving behind the light isotopes, but also leaving it dry and depleted of these elements, making the “isotope fingerprint” of the distillation process difficult to identify. But this process appears to have been preserved in at least one area: submarine volcanoes in the Manus Basin of Papua New Guinea, which erupted under more than a mile of seawater (2,000 meters). Those pressures trap water from the deep mantle within the volcanic glass.
Lead author Alison Shaw and coauthor Mark Behn, both former Carnegie postdoctoral researchers, recognized another unique feature of the data. Lab experiments have shown very high diffusion rates for hydrogen isotopes, which move through the mantle as tiny protons. This diffusion should have long-ago erased the hydrogen isotope differences observed in the Manus Basin volcanoes.
“That is what we typically see at mid-ocean ridges,” remarked Hauri. “But that is not what we found at Manus Basin. Instead we found a huge range in isotope abundances that indicates hydrogen diffusion in the deep Earth may not be analogous to what is observed in the lab.”
The team’s * finding means is that surface water can be carried into the deep Earth by oceanic plates and be preserved for as long as 1 billion years. They also indicate that the hydrogen diffusion rates in the deep Earth appear to be much slower than experiments show. It further suggests that these ancient slabs may not only return to the upper mantle in areas like the Manus Basin, they may also come back up in hotspot volcanoes like Hawaii that are produced by mantle plumes.
The results are important to understanding how water is transferred and preserved in the mantle and how it and other chemicals are recycled to the surface.

Selasa, 19 April 2011

Icebergs in the Antarctic Play Important Role in Carbon Cycle (Gunung Es di Antartika Berperan Dalam Siklus Carbon)

After following the path of a drifting iceberg, research team's discoveries could have implications for climate change studies
March 28, 2011
By Robert Monroe
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Photo of DrEricson
The exposed portion of an iceberg in the Weddell Sea rises 30 to 40 meters (98 to 131 feet) above the sea surface.  Overhanging icicles result from thawing and freezing of the surface of the iceberg. Photo: John Helly/SDSC
Icebergs cool and dilute the ocean water they pass through and also affect the distribution of carbon-dioxide-absorbing phytoplankton in the Southern Ocean, according to a team of researchers from UC San Diego and the University of San Diego.
The effects are likely to influence the growth of phytoplankton in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean and especially in an area known as "Iceberg Alley" east of the Antarctic Peninsula.
Enhanced phytoplankton growth would increase the rate at which carbon dioxide is removed from the ocean, an important process in the carbon cycle, said the leaders of the National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded study.
The results appear in the journal Deep-Sea Research II in a paper titled "Cooling, dilution and mixing of ocean water by free-drifting icebergs in the Weddell Sea." The main results from this paper were also highlighted in Nature Geoscience's March issue.
"Iceberg transport and melting have a prominent role in the distribution of phytoplankton in the Weddell Sea," said paper lead author John J. Helly, who holds joint appointments at the San Diego Supercomputer Center and Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UCSD. "These results demonstrate the importance of a multi-disciplinary scientific team in developing a meaningful picture of nature across multiple scales of measurement and the unique contributions of ship-based field research."
"The results demonstrate that icebergs influence oceanic surface waters and mixing to greater depths than previously realized," added paper co-author Ronald S. Kaufmann, Associate Professor of Marine Science and Environmental Studies at the University of San Diego.
The findings document a persistent change in physical and biological characteristics of surface waters after the transit of an iceberg. The change in surface water properties such as salinity lasted at least ten days, far longer than had been expected.
Photo of DrEricson
C18a iceberg in the Weddell Sea with the moon in the background. Photo: Diane Chakos
Sampling was conducted by a surface-mapping method used to survey the area around an iceberg more than 32 kilometers (20 miles) in length. The team surveyed the same area again ten days later, after the iceberg had drifted away. After ten days, the scientists observed increased concentrations of chlorophyll a and reduced concentrations of carbon dioxide compared to nearby areas without icebergs.
"We were quite surprised to find the persistence of the iceberg effects over many days," said Helly, director of the Laboratory for Environmental and Earth Sciences at SDSC.
The new results demonstrate that icebergs provide a connection between the geophysical and biological domains that directly affects the carbon cycle in the Southern Ocean. This research significantly extends previous research results conducted in the same environment and reveals the dynamic properties of icebergs and their effects on the ocean in unexpected ways.
"These findings confirm that icebergs are a dynamic and significant component of polar ecosystems," said Roberta L. Marinelli, director of the NSF's Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems Program.
NSF manages the U.S. Antarctic Program, through which it coordinates all U.S. research on the southernmost continent and aboard ships in the Southern Ocean.
The research was conducted as part of a multi-disciplinary project involving scientists from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, University of South Carolina, University of Nevada, Reno, University of South Carolina, Brigham Young University, and the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences. Scripps Oceanography graduate student Gordon Stephenson and research biologist Maria Vernet are also co-authors of the paper.

Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

Earthquake Ground Deformation

Remote sensing and GPS studies of the Magnitude 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapha Earthquake

Republished from a December, 2010 press release by NASA.

Earthquake Ground Deformation Data

New technologies developed by NASA and other agencies are revealing surprising insights into a major earthquake that rocked parts of the American Southwest and Mexico in April, 2010 including increased potential for more large earthquakes in Southern California.

At the fall, 2010 meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco, scientists from NASA and other agencies presented the latest research on the magnitude 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake, that region's largest in nearly 120 years. Scientists have studied the earthquake's effects in unprecedented detail using data from GPS, advanced simulation tools and new remote sensing and image analysis techniques, including airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR), satellite synthetic aperture radar and NASA's airborne Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR).

Siginificant Findings:

  • The earthquake is among the most complex ever documented along the Pacific/North American tectonic plate boundary. The main shock activated segments of at least six faults, some unnamed or previously unrecognized. It triggered slip along faults north of the border as far as 165 kilometers (about 100 miles) away, including the San Andreas, San Jacinto, Imperial and Superstition Hills Faults, and many faults in California's Yuha Desert, some not previously mapped. Some of this slip was quiet, without detectable earthquakes. Activity was observed on several northwest-trending faults due for potentially large earthquakes.
  • The rupture's northern end in Southern California resembles the frayed end of a rope. The complex, 32-kilometer (20-mile) network of faults that slipped there during and after the earthquake -- many unnamed or previously unrecognized -- reveals how the earthquake distributed strain.
  • Satellite radar, UAVSAR and GPS station data show additional slip along some of the Yuha Desert faults in the months after the main earthquake. Recent data from UAVSAR and satellite radar show this slip slowed and probably stopped in late summer or early fall.
  • Mexico's Sierra Cucapah mountains were, surprisingly, lowered, not raised, by the earthquake.
  • The main rupture jumped an 11-kilometer (7-mile) fault gap-more than twice that ever observed before.
  • UAVSAR and satellite radar reveal deep faulting that may be a buried continuation of Mexico's Laguna Salada Fault that largely fills the gap to California's Elsinore Fault. This could mean the fault system is capable of larger earthquakes. A connection had only been inferred before.
  • Analyses show a northward advance of strain after the main shock, including a pattern of triggered fault slip and increased seismicity. The July 7, 2010 magnitude 5.4 Collins Valley earthquake on the San Jacinto Fault may have been triggered by the main earthquake.
  • Forecasting methods in development suggest earthquakes triggered by the main shock changed hazard patterns, while experimental virtual reality scenarios show a substantial chance of a damaging earthquake north of Baja within three  to 30 years of a Baja quake like the one in April.